Honorary Adviser | | |
 Mr Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBS, MH, JP Secretary for Development, Development Bureau | | |
Jury Panel | | |
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Mr PC CHAN Chief Operating Officer, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency | Dr Edmond CHENG Kam-wah President, The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management | Ir Joseph CHOI Kin-hung President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers |
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Dr Greg FOLIENTE Senior Science Leader, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne | Prof. HO Kin-chung Dean of School of Scienece and Technology, Department of Energy and Environmental Management, The Open University of Hong Kong | Mr HUI Siu-wai Director, Buildings Department |
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Prof. Kazuo IWAMURA Chair, Japan Sustainable Building Consortium | Mr Eddie LAM Kin Wing First Vice-President, Hong Kong Construction Association | Mr Enoch LAM Tin-sing, JP Director, Water Supplies Department |
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Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai Deputy Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department | Sr LAU Chun-kong President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors | Prof. Andrew LEUNG Yee-tak Emeritus Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong |
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Mr LING Kar-kan, JP Director, Planning Department | Mr Vincent LIU Ming-kwong, JP Deputy Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau | Mr Kevin LUK Fuk-man, JP Deputy Director, Civil Engineering and Development Department |
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Dr Eunice HC MAK President, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners | Prof. Edward NG Yan-yung Professor, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Mr Anthony Vincent NG Wing-shun, JP President, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects |
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Prof. NIU Jian-lei Chair Professor, Building Environment and Energy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Prof. SHANG Chii Associate Head & Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Dr Peter Cookson SMITH Immediate Past President, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design |
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Mr Alfred SIT Wing-hang, JP Deputy Director/ Regulatory Services, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department | Mr TAI Lee-siang Chair, World Green Building Council | Mr Jason TANG Senior Lecturer (Architecture), Hong Kong Design Institute |
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Mr Edwin TONG Ka-hung, JP Director, Drainage Services Department | Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen Member of 5th Legislative Council (Architectural, Surveying and Planning) | Prof. WANG Wei-jen Head of Department, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong |
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Mr Luther WONG, JP Chairman, Group 26 (Environmental Industries Council), Federation of Hong Kong Industries | Mr WONG Tak-yip President, The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects | Mr Gary YEUNG Vice President, The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies |